By Cliff Lethbridge

Aerial View Of Launch Complex 1/2 Circa 2018

Aerial View Of Launch Complex 1/2 Circa 2018


Configuration: Single Blockhouse, Two Launch Pads


Current Status: Inactive

First Confirmed Launch: June 20, 1957

Final Confirmed Launch: February 12, 1960

Number of Launches: 4 Confirmed; Uncertain Number Unconfirmed

Confirmed Vehicles Launched: Snark


Current Status: Inactive

First Confirmed Launch: February 18, 1954

Last Confirmed Launch: December 5, 1960

Number of Launches: 21 Confirmed; Uncertain Number Unconfirmed

Confirmed Vehicles Launched: Snark

Launch Complex 1/2 was part of the original four flat launch pads constructed as the first launch pads on geographic Cape Canaveral. The complex was built at a cost of about $2 million, which included two flat pads and a single blockhouse serving both pads. Work on the complex commenced on October 26, 1951, with acceptance of the completed complex by the Air Force on November 30, 1953.

It was used for launches of Snark missiles, which were launched from specialized launchers which sat atop the launch pads. Each launch pad incorporated underground equipment rooms, accessible from the surface by hatches. Although not as advanced as adjacent Launch Complex 3/4, Launch Complex 1/2 served its purpose well and was used for nearly a decade. After its retirement, Launch Complex 1/2 was used in support of the NASA Mercury Program. Its launch pads acted as helicopter pads, and its blockhouse was converted into a working hospital.

The complex has been preserved. Although the launch pads have become somewhat overgrown with vegetation, the pads are still clearly visible and accessible. The blockhouse is in extremely poor condition, and although not accessible for safety reasons, it has been preserved.

Launch Pads 1 And 2 Circa 2020

Launch Pads 1 And 2 Circa 2020

Launch Complex 1/2 Blockhouse Circa 2020

Launch Complex 1/2 Blockhouse Circa 2020

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 1 Circa 1959

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 1 Circa 1959

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 1 Circa 1959

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 1 Circa 1959

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 2 Circa 1958

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 2 Circa 1958

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 2 Circa 1957

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 2 Circa 1957

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 1 Circa 1957

Snark Missile On Launch Pad 1 Circa 1957

Launch Complex 1/2 Circa 1956

Launch Complex 1/2 Circa 1956

Launch Complex 1/2 Circa 1952

Launch Complex 1/2 Circa 1952