STS-113 Fact Sheet
By Cliff Lethbridge
STS-113 – Endeavour
112th Space Shuttle Mission
19th Flight of Endeavour
James Wetherbee, Commander
Paul Lockhart, Pilot
Michael Lopez-Alegria, Mission Specialist
John Herrington, Mission Specialist
Ken Bowersox, Embarking to International Space Station
Nikolai Budarin, Embarking to International Space Station
Donald Pettit, Embarking to International Space Station
Valery Korzun, Returning from International Space Station
Peggy Whitson, Returning from International Space Station
Sergei Treschev, Returning from International Space Station
Orbiter Preparations:
Tow to Orbiter Processing Facility – June 29, 2002
Rollover to Vehicle Assembly Building – September 30, 2002
Rollout to Launch Pad 39A – October 12, 2002
November 23, 2002 – 7:49:47 EST. Launch was originally scheduled to November 11, but was postponed when higher than allowable oxygen levels were detected in Endeavour’s mid-body. Launch was reset for no earlier than November 18 to allow workers time to replace two flexible hoses. A platform used to access the oxygen line bumped the robotic arm in the payload bay, and launch was postponed to November 22 to allow inspection of the arm. Launch attempt on November 22 was scrubbed due to bad weather at the Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL) sites. Launch on November 23 occurred on time with no delays.
December 7, 2002 – 2:37 p.m. EST at Runway 33, Kennedy Space Center. Rollout distance was 10,563 feet. Rollout time was 1 minute, 13 seconds. Mission duration was 13 days, 18 hours, 48 minutes, 38 seconds. Landing was waived off for three consecutive days due to bad weather at the Kennedy Space Center.
Mission Summary:
The main goal of the mission was the installation of the P1 Truss to the International Space Station (ISS). Three astronauts were flown to ISS, while three astronauts were returned from ISS to Earth. About 2,500 pounds of supplies and equipment were transferred from Endeavour to ISS. There were three spacewalks during the mission.
The first spacewalk lasted 6 hours, 45 minutes. Astronauts Lopez-Alegria and Herrington hooked up electrical connections between the P1 Truss and ISS, installed spool positioning devices that will assure quick disconnect devices in fluid lines and released launch locks on the Crew and Equipment Translation Aid (CETA) cart. They also installed a Node Wireless video system External Transceiver Assembly (WETA) antennas allowing reception from spacewalker helmets without a Shuttle being present.
The second spacewalk lasted 6 hours, 10 minutes. Astronauts Lopez-Alegria and Herrington connected two fluid jumpers between the P1 and S0 trusses as well as other activities. The third spacewalk lasted 7 hours. Astronauts Lopez-Alegria and Herrington completed the installation of 33 spool positioning devices around the exterior of ISS. They also troubleshooted a stalled CETA railcar.